i couldn’t sleep

I bought trail mix for everyone in the computer lab tonight. I think I might try and keep something on me at all times to give to others. Cookies, trail mix, $100, the common cold, whatever. It’s the giving spirit that inspires others to action.

I live in a house with 3 other dudes and I am the only one there that is overly neat. However, I hate confrontation. But, I am fairly intelligent. SOOOOOO, what I like to do is outthink the guys that I live with. If I see some (45) dishes on the counter I’ll talk to one of the guys and say, “man, I can’t believe how many dishes a couple of dudes can dirty. Know what I mean?” And he’ll respond with something like, “yeah, I know what you mean.” The thing is, I didn’t dirty any of them and it was most likely (absolutely) done by one of the other guys. So, I’ll start cleaning a little bit and he follows suit. Granted, it’s taken since June to realize how to get this done without yelling, but it’s starting to work. I wonder if it’ll be that easy to raise children.

You know what else I wonder? I wonder if you can emulate a person in order to be more successful in school. It worked for me when I was a kid playing sports. I had posters hanging up all over the place featuring quarterbacks winning, basketball players dunking, and Shania Twain playing the guitar. The thing is that I didn’t win many games as quarterback, I could never dunk, and I wasn’t that good on the guitar. However, it gave me something to strive for.

I never really thought about how I could translate that psychology into the classroom. The only kind of psyching that I really do is tell myself that I am a really good writer when I have to write a long paper about any topic that I could care less about. I get all jacked up on monsters and trail mix and just push on like I was Roald Dahl, Geoffrey Chaucer, or the Apostle Paul. I am fully inspired. But, otherwise, if you’re really into physics wouldn’t you try to channel your inner Newton? Maybe Nursing is your thing – try to be like Jenna Elfman in the movie, “Touched.” Or, better yet, Doogie Howser. That kid was amazing.

I’m going to try this for a while. Here’s who I will try to be in all my classes. Here’s who I am going to be in each of my classes:

Retailing – Dante Hicks from the movie, “Clerks.”

Computer Applications – I’d probably go with either Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates. Probably Jobs because I think he is cooler.

Atlantic Revolutions – I’m channeling my inner Nicolas Copernicus. He has a really great name and he realized that the sun revolves around the earth. I want to discover something like that.

Integrated Marketing Comm – I’m going to be like the guy that invented Facebook in this class.

Finance – Gordan Gecko minus the jail time and whatnot.

Women’s Lit – Sylivia Plath because she was depressed and so will I when I take this class

hey man, how are you?

The title of this excerpt is going to catch wild fire around this University. I told my finance tutor, Andy, about it tonight and I think he really took to liking it. I like it, Andy likes it, and it’s going to be huge. The next time you see someone, just ask them really kindly, “Hey man, how are you?” See what happens. I know I’ve failed in past greeting attempts, but this will end all of that frustration and sleepless nights.

I wonder if the whole greeting thing is what’s been keeping me up late at night. Not likely, but it’s got to be blamed on something. Due to the amount of homework I have, I don’t go out as much as I once did (my social life has gone from Vegas to Mayberry really fast). Maybe that has been having negative effects on my sleeping?? Here’s the thing – I have a large bed and listen to soothing music every night and yet, I sleep like a criminal. I don’t get it. The only crime I’ve committed is caring too much.

Maybe I don’t sleep well because I have to think too much about financial investments. God knows I don’t have to worry about my own financial investments (or lack thereof) rather – I have to think about wealth management firms for my integrated marketing class. In fact, I just got done writing a rousing paper about investing and wealth management. I don’t find it to be overly exciting to write about financial planning, so I wrote about Kanye West. He has a great line in his song entitled, “The Good Life,” in regards to how – having money’s not everything, not having it is. He’s basically talking about the importance of building a retirement portfolio. As I stated in my paper, the difference in having a $100 steak and eating a delicious chicken tender melt at Perkins is about $92.50. However, eating at Perkins and not eating at all is a big difference. I have recently acquired something in my life that will hopefully make a big difference to me.

I think that I am finally fully ready for finance. I stopped by my red headed friend Luke’s house today to pick up a financial calculator. It’s awesome to have a calculator that speaks in a language you don’t understand – mathematics. Seriously, the calculator can do things that I can’t; it’s the closest thing I have to a robot that can do my math for me. I can’t promise the absence of robots, but there is one place in the world that I can guarantee nobody will be using a calculator this weekend.

Oktoberfest is upon us and I don’t really want to do anything. Everywhere I go, I talk with more and more people that make me feel as though I should represent my school, my family, and my country by going down to the parade and immersing myself downtown for the duration of this Saturday. Here’s what I really want to do. Get on a plane and go to somewhere by myself for 1 day and do nothing. Actually, I would do some things – I would surf,  climb to the top of a pyramid, throw a pass to an NFL receiver, scuba dive, be the lead singer of the band, Spoon; and then I’d go to a Broadway musical to put a cap on my nice little Saturday. I would eat pizza all day and drink the world’s finest green tea.

Good night.

cookie power

I got done with Atlantic Revolutions – the history class I am required to take – at 5:50 and went to my grandparent’s house to pick up some oatmeal-chocolate chip-raisin cookies. The house that I go to now for the cookie connection is the same house that my great grandparents lived in; they made me cookies too. If I had to associate one word with this house, it would be cookies. I mean, I have a lot of memories tied up in Christmases and family stuff, but it’s been to me what a liquor store is for the booze hound. I love me some cookies!

** Grandma always tells me that I should share my cookies to make friends. So, being an obedient young lad, I shared my cookies with the following people: Joey, John, Eli, Stephanie, Eric (another Eric), 2 girls that I don’t know, a librarian whom I call “Lillian,” a big guy whom I see a lot but don’t know, and some random girl I just saw in the hallway. And I ate 17 of them.

Anyways, I had the great cookie exchange of 2010 and then it was off to the library to immerse myself in my computer applications class. I know what you must be thinking – “why Eric, isn’t it a little late for you to be in the library?” No, friends. I have not yet begun to put in hours at the library. We’re still working in Microsoft Word. Wait until Access starts and I spend 27 hours a day in this place. You’ll all recognize me as the guy that hasn’t showered or shaved in 6 weeks; I’ll resemble the Unabomber.  


So, I guess this is college? I had to call Barry tonight to tell him all about my big boy college night. It’s kind of like the first time you put in a 60 hour week at work. You think to yourself, “Hey world, I’m a big deal. My friends don’t work this much, heck, my parents don’t work this much. I am one dedicated dude.” Well, I am feeling pretty good about finishing up my computer whatever it is class at 11:20 p.m. and it’s not even finals week! In the same night, I’ve met with my financial advisor, talked with my friend Liz because she was having a crummy day; and I thought of a band name (Cosmic Cub) for my friend, Andrew (whom I call “Andre”).

Yes indeed, friends – it’s been a productive night. I remember thinking that this semester would be a little bit more time consuming than last year, but I had no idea it would be like this. All I want to do is talk about partying and fashion – and write, and hang out with friends, and walk around, and eat normal meals, and do whatever I want for a whole day, etc. However, that’s not my reality. I have friends that are super dedicated and I never thought I could be like that, but I don’t think I have a choice right now. Ergo, I’ll spend nights in the library studying and entering equations into Microsoft Excel until my eyes bleed. This is college, and strangely, I feel dignified.

This is the song that I’ve listened to 20 times tonight:


i’m no fame monster

I’ve often wondered how to become the face of this University. As you walk through campus there are all these smiling faces and pretty people posted on banners on our lampposts; they loom over us like silent guardians. They remind us of The U’s core values. Things like Service, Integrity, Contemplation, Apple Pie, stuff like that. I’ve always wanted to be on one of those banners or on a billboard somewhere. You know what – I’d even take a spot on a random brochure encouraging students to declare a minor in creative writing.  However, all my cries have gone unnoticed.

As I was driving the other day, I noticed a familiar face on a billboard a top one of the busiest streets in La Crosse. Who could it be – none other than Viterbo golden boy, Josh Kohnhorst. Way to go, Josh. Anything else of mine you want to take… my dignity, perhaps? Or at least what I have left of it. You already have the spotlight; you might as well beat me up for my lunch money. I’ll bet he gets free lunch in the cafeteria. I’ll have to figure out a way to get to the next level around here. That’s right – I’m talking about getting something named after me. I know a lot of people think that I’ll have to donate 200 billion dollars in order to accomplish this, but I think I have a solid idea. I’m going to get frozen in carbonite, ala Han Solo, and have my frozen body donated to the University. What else are they going to do with me? They can’t just put me away in storage; that would be really creepy. They’ll have to at least give me a hallway. Maybe they’ll make a huge rock chair for me to sit in like my boy, Abe Lincoln?

I’m just kidding. Josh is a good guy and worthy of being the face of this school on East Ave. I’m not a fame monster; give it all to Josh. Let’s look at his credentials: he’s better looking than me; he shaves regularly, plays golf, he probably has a GPA above 2.8, and is undoubtedly, a better representation of this institution. Way to go, mon frère.

the o.c. and salad bars change lives

The only problem with today is that it’s going to get cut short. I have to leave my Atlantic Revolutions class about 30 minutes early to go and coach my littles. Tonight is the season opener for my 8th grade team and we look to strike early and often as we face off against the 8th graders from G-E-T. If anyone is interested, we play at 6 p.m. at Luther High School in Onalaska – that’s in WI for any readers outside the 608.

Yesterday, on the other hand, was a bit different. I was feeling a bit cantankerous throughout most of the morning and I can only think of 3 things that changed my mood. These things are as follows: 1. I watched an episode of The O.C. It was a good one… Maybe you recall the episode where Trey is trying to find re-invent himself and find an apartment. Marissa decides to help with the whole process and remains quite cute and naïve while helping him out with doses of compassion and large sums of money. There was a crystal egg from the movie, Risky Business, involved that auctioned off for $10,000 at the Newport charity auction. Sandy is jealous of this new dude that works with Kirsten; all the while Summer’s still adamant that Seth give up on his dream of writing comic books with Zach.  Give it up, Summer. Seth’s never busted your chops about things your passionate about: shopping, crying, liking other guys, arguing, being involved in everyone’s bizzzzness, hanging out with equally dim people, etc. I digress. 2. I had lunch at Schmidty’s Restaurant and it was delightful. Their salad bar is fantastic and the lovely gal I was with picked up the tab. Just to clarify – I didn’t ask for her to do this, or anything, she owed me from our last lunch outing. 3. The third great thing that turned yesterday from average to pretty cool is the new belt that I bought. I got it from Shopko and it is made by a guy named John Henry. I’m not sure if this is the same John Henry that coaches for Viterbo’s (and my personal) rival, William Penn, but it could be. Either way, the belt is sturdy, made from good material, and it’s reversible. Don’t get me crossed here, I don’t care much for JH the coach, but whoever’s making his belts is doing a really good job.

I had a nice interaction today with one of Viterbo’s finest employees. We had recently talked about getting Viterbo involved monetarily in the Tri-Quest event this weekend, but found out that VU’s involvement with these events is typically avoided. When we found this out, he offered a personal financial donation to Tri-Quest.  This is another reason why this is a quality institution. My friend didn’t need to assist in one of my off campus activities, but he cares. He cares about one of the VU students and what I am passionate about – in and out of the classroom. I think that’s pretty cool.

 **Obligatory plug – If anyone wants more information on Tri-Quest, our website, www.tri-quest.org

Tuesdays with Madeline

According to my math, today is the 6th day of school and already I was feeling kind of like not coming to class today. I have a feeling that I’m not the only dude (or dudette) on campus that didn’t want to come back to school after our long weekend – thanks again to those who labor in order to give us long weekends. That being said, I watched Star Wars last night and changed my mind, my attitude, and rediscovered what it means to do the right thing.

What if Luke had told Vader (his father, mind you) that he would join him when he was hanging in the balance in Cloud City? End of story, the Rebels lose the battle, Han Solo is then just a pilot and not that cool, Leia becomes irrelevant, and Yoda and Obi-Wan have died in vein. Within 2 months, Vader and Luke invent Microsoft, rock music, McDonalds, and become the galaxy’s first multi bazillionaire father/son combination. The point I’m getting at here is that there is a lot at stake in the decisions we make.

If I didn’t come to school today I wouldn’t have been able to inject joy and laughter into the hearts of my many beautiful friends. Are the ramifications of me not coming to class equivalent to the fall of the Rebel Alliance? Absolutely not. I cannot begin to comprehend that level of pressure. However, I think that coming to school is a big deal.

There is a scene in Jedi where everyone’s favorite golden droid, C-3PO, tells R2-D2, “this is no time for heroics.” Well, I don’t think you’re a hero for coming to school, but when contemplating not showing up, ask yourself, “What would Luke Skywalker do in the face of adversity?” Would he give in to Vader – aka sleeping in? No. Would he give in to the Emperor – aka friends that want you to hang out instead of go to class? Again, no. I think I have made my point here… Go to class. And if you don’t go to class, you and all your friends will die on an icy planet while trying to avoid being blown up by the Death Star.

Song of THE DAY: At the request of  Madeline Heywood Angulo aka the love of my life slash the most important and intelligent woman on campus “Skinny Love” by Bon Iver. Enjoy.


labor day is great

My first job started with a phone call in my parent’s living room. I got said call from Sarah, a gal who was in my older sister’s class, and she asked me how I felt about having my own paper route. Now, understand that at that point, I hadn’t thought about all of the early mornings, the sub zero temperatures, and the fact that I would have one day off (Christmas Day) all year. All I could think was – I’m going to be rich! So, I told her I’d be delighted to be her paper delivering heir apparent. Then I put down the phone and paused Rocky 4 (still one of the greatest movies of all time) in order to tell my friends, Barry and Bob (they are also big Rocky 4 fans), that I had just accepted a lucrative position with the La Crosse Tribune. We were all hysteric about the possibilities that would lie ahead for us as a collective group of friends with one of us now having a steady income.

I delivered those papers with panache. I didn’t just walk up to houses, I glided. “Good morning, Mrs. Espe” I’d say. “Have an overly delightful day.”  I don’t know how well received my enthusiasm was at 6 a.m. The hardest part of the day was getting going. I would have small gatherings with my friends where we’d stay up all night – probably watching Rocky 4, Brett Favre documentaries, or Oasis, “Behind the Music” – and I’d have to be up at 5:30 a.m. At the time, this was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. My dad would yell up the stairs imploring me to Wake UP, to which I would reply, “I’m putting my socks on.” That, however, was a lie and I would usually use that lie to lock up an extra 8-10 minutes in bed about 3-5 times every week. My dad had to have known I wasn’t taking 10 minutes to put my socks on, but he never actually called me out on my sock fraudulence. He must have understood that my spot under the covers was a much better alternative to snow, rain, or annoying birds flying in my face.

Highlights of my 5 year paper delivery tenure are as follows: 1. As a Sophomore in high school, I was named “Paper Boy of the Month.” My older friends at school posted my little article in the senior hallway for all the upper classmen to admire.  I was the toast of the cafeteria. 2. I had enough money to buy doughnuts whenever I wanted. This was probably the greatest part of having money. I loved doughnuts as a kid and loved that I could go and buy a couple for my friends and me as often as I wanted… just so long as the doughnut bill didn’t accrue past $115/month. I’d love to tell you that I got girls as a result of my paper boy status, but that wouldn’t be true. However, I did get a lot of love from some of the older women that I delivered papers to. 3. The tips from the older women around Christmas time. It could’ve been the cold air, the Christmas lights blazing all around, or the feeling of Christmas in the air, but I’ll always be convinced that the tips I received were a direct reflection of my hard work, willingness to go the extra mile to please my customers, and the integrity that I maintained over the course of 5 years as La Crosse’s best paper boy.

This was the start of my love of labor in the United States. Now, we have day off of school because of people like me who have been working hard almost all their lives. Earlier today, I was wondering who to thank for the day off. On Memorial Day, we all stand and salute our Nation’s veterans. On the 4th of July, we thank the vets and those currently serving to ensure our freedom. On Easter we thank a bunny for candy and on Thanksgiving we thank FOX for showing football games while we eat our weight in food. So, if you’re out there reading this and you’ve been on your grind for many years, as I have, raise a soda to yourself and the diligent workers around you. Happy Labor Day, everybody!

 Song of the day: The song is “Laredo” by the band – Band of Horses. How cool would it be to be in a legit band… Plan for the day: 1. wake up 2. not shower 3. not shave  4. wear denim really really well 5. play instruments and write songs 6. go to sleep whenever 7. repeat 1-6


Viterbo Values Your Stuff

When I was a child, I used to think that I was really good at drawing. Not only did I think I was good, I used to draw things, have my mom make 10 copies of the picture, and hand said picture out to my friends at school. I was a terrible artist and most of what I drew was barely recognizable and copied out of Sports Illustrated for Kids. For some reason, my parents never told me I’d starve someday if my livelihood was dependant on my free hand drawing abilities. All I ever heard was, “Oh, that’s great, Eric. Surely you must have your grandfather’s artistic ability.” My great grandpa, Eivind, was a tremendous artist. As a child, I was tall and an above average athlete.

Most of my only talent began and ended with playing sports. I mean, I was pretty decent at a few other things, I suppose. I could build a great snow fort in the winter, which was inescapably destroyed by the public school kids that walked home (I assume they were going home) through my alley. Destruction of property has always made me mad and from a young age I had it out for all public school kids. I saw them as nothing more than a nuisance and in search of ruining my good time. Come to think of it, I had a lot of disdain towards the public school kids when I was younger. They were savage beasts living in my peaceful world where art, snow forts, and sports ruled.

When I was 8 years old, I was at a nearby football field kicking field goals, or throwing passes to myself, or something. You’re probably wondering what kind of loser kid played catch by himself. I did. All too often, my little sister was the only person I could coerce into playing football with me. I’d tell her how much fun it would be if she put a bike helmet on and got tackled. I must have been a good salesman in 1994. ANYWAYS, one fall day I was at the park wearing my really cool Packers jersey I got for my birthday (it had my name on it and everything) and along came the public school ruffians. It was like a scene from West Side Story, except I the only Jet on the scene – the Sharks had me outnumbered 5-1. I played with these boys for a while until they stole my new Wilson football; I then proceeded to run after them into an alley where they played keep away from me as I scrambled madly to get my mechanically signed Barry Sanders football back. Eventually one of the thugs slipped up, threw a bad pass, and I leapt up and got my ball back. That was the last time I ever played ball with that group of deviants.

I shouldn’t be so biased though, because bad things happened at my private school as well. This time it involved a kid who was in 6th grade while I was just a young 4th grader. His name was John Clark and he would soon find his way to public school. I was playing football one day with a group of older kids that called me “The American Nightmare.” I’m not sure why, but I think they likened my game to that of the Kansas City Chiefs running back at the time named, Christian Okoye – his nickname was, “The Nigerian Nightmare.”  I am from America, and he’s from Nigeria – you get it. Anyways, we were playing one day and I happened to have a great game and ended up throwing a few touchdowns and ran for another; John came up to me after the game and proceeded to knee me in a very inappropriate location. I thought for sure he was going to say something like, “Hey, Nightmare, great game.” Nope, just the opposite; he may as well have told me that I was so awful that he never wanted me to reproduce. He transferred to a public school at the end of the year.

So, I guess my point here is, that I’m pretty thrilled to be in a place where I needn’t worry about getting my snow fort destroyed, my football stolen, or unjustly kneed in a bad spot. In fact, that’s why I came to Viterbo. I came to visit one day and they showed me around to all the buildings, etc. Then, I asked the tour guide if things like I’ve mentioned happen often, or at all, on campus – she said, “no.” So, I said, “I’m going to come to school here.” Actually, that last part never happened. However, I have played basketball with some ball players, catch with baseball players, and football in the courtyard all without incident.

If you know of anyone who’s looking to avoid heartache, body aches, stolen footballs, or just wants to keep their snow fort intact, send them to Viterbo. Viterbo Values Your Stuff.

Song of the DAY: Yeah Yeah Yeahs – “Hysteric” I like this song because it’s lovely, and it has my name in the title.


hugs, not facebook.

After class, I came to a certain on-campus coffee shop to sit, listen to my music, read, check e-mails, etc. I went to the only open computer and cracked the Chuck Klosterman book that I’ve been enjoying lately in order to put off doing some homework that I need to hammer out before the weekend. This is all going well, I like the book, I like Andrew Bird (who’s currently in my ears), and I like this spot. There’s just one thing that I don’t understand. 4 out of 9 people in here are, and have been, on facebook since I got here an hour ago. What an incredible waste of time. I don’t mean to snoop, but there is a women sitting very close to me who is talking about facebook while on facebook. No joke. This, to me, is incredibly daft.

Just to clarify, I’m all for technology. I love the internet, my iPod, the pizzazz pizza cooker thing in my kitchen, chia pets, fuel efficiency in my vehicle, and those new Reebok shoes that Peyton Manning endorses. They’re all great things, but why do people feel this incessant need to be on facebook for hours/day. I’m going to make a bold statement: facebook is addictive, and largely, a waste of time. I can’t remember if I’ve made mention of this before – probably at a tavern. Maybe, I have while addressing the country from the Oval Office or in a car with my friends – I’m not sure. Either way, I am convinced that we, as a society, are becoming less intelligent because of our consumption of things like facebook, texting, reality TV, top 40 radio (see: Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, all hip hop artists – exceptions: Jay-Z, Nas, Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, Common, and maybe a handful of others – et al). Are we that depressed with our own lives?  Will we, as a society, ever see this paradigm shift?

While working my awesome job at the Park and Rec this summer, we took a trip with the littles to Niagra Cave in Harmony, MN. While we were there, I struck up a conversation with this good ol’ boy from Missouri who was there with a group of Amish. Out of nowhere, my buddy from rural Missouri made mention to how tough it is to be a kid these days. I told him that I could agree with that. Then, he went on to state that with all the options they have, he doesn’t envy their positions. When this guy was growing up, he had 2 options – join the military, or take over the family farm. I’m not sure of exactly what this man does for a living, but he had some great bib overalls on that would lead me to believe that he chose the latter of the 2.

He’s right, though. I think about all the messages, ideas, nonsense, and options that I am exposed to on a daily basis and can’t imagine how much worse it’s going to be in another 20 years. I know a gal in Arizona who teaches at a high school who has made mention that her students don’t even know how to write in cursive. I don’t even like getting text messages anymore because of all the jargon that people use; complete sentences have gone the way of the dodo. Less and less people care about grammar, punctuation, or conversation anymore. Apparently, we’re too enthralled with telling our facebook friends about how horrible our relationship is, what the neighbors are getting from the Schwans man, or how great Idol was last night. Then, after all the air is cleared about one’s life on facebook, we turn on the TV to keep up with the Kardashians. Then, it’s back to facebook while the latest smash hit from Travis McCoy or Katy Perry comes out of our iTunes encouraging us to be shallow and lazy.

Cheeseburgers are great; in fact, I love them. If I could eat 10 Big Macs every day, and remain somewhat healthy, I would – without question (In my perfect world, I have a brewery, a really cool music venue, and a McDonalds in my great big tremendous house). However, the chance of any of this being feasible is highly unlikely. A Big Mac once in a while is wonderful and dreaming of having the Hollywood Bowl in my basement is alright, just so long as I don’t spend half my day eating burgers and daydreaming about these things. Technology is neat and facebook can be useful – just not in 5 hour/day doses; it’s not healthy.  I wonder if facebook will somehow start World War 3 or end the world… These are things for us to ponder over the weekend.

This song would be on the soundtrack to my life. It’s called “Louisiana” and it’s by a band named, The Walkmen. 3 things in reference to the video: 1. everybody loves cowboys 2. i wish I was as cool as the lead singer/gun slinging cowboy 3. who doesn’t enjoy a good western themed indie rock music video?


Library Watching

I don’t know what it is, but I can’t get over how cool and kind of weird I think it is to write about other people. The main reason being because the people that I write about have no idea that I am writing about them; unless, of course, they read this blog. Is this illegal? Maybe this is my criminal outlet. In some odd way, I feel like I am getting away with something by writing about some girl in a grey hoodie that’s wearing a pink shirt when she has no idea that I am even conscious of her existence. I’m kind of like an eye assassin and my words on the computer screen are silent bullets piercing my unsuspecting victims. I don’t even know if that makes sense, but I’m going with it. I feel like a creepy dude.

Here’s my account of what I see in the library. I am going to write about what and who I see for the next 10 minutes.

Doors open and doors close, the people filter into this place after class like oil through a funnel. They come here looking for their own personal bat cave with books – in search of a quiet refuge; and they probably want to be written about. I mean, that’s why I come to the library. I figure that somebody in here is writing a story about me right now. I think it’s the girl who’s sitting adjacent to me with the big blue eyes.

A girl just walked through the doors with a Bloomsburg University (it’s in Pennsylvania – I googled it) sweatshirt on and I wonder if she has a relative that goes there. Maybe her boyfriend is on the wrestling team. I have no idea, but I kind of like her sweatshirt. Another dude just walked in with a Marquette shirt on and I would ask him the same questions, but instead of inquiring about a boyfriend on the wrestling team, I would pose the query, “do you know my friend, David?” Actually, that’s a stupid question, because my friend doesn’t go there anymore – that’s just my only affiliation with Marquette. A dark haired gal with a UW – Stout sweatshirt on just sat down next to me and smiled. I wonder what she’s up to. Probably not as much as the guy behind me to my left with the fanny pack on. What’s with all the people around here with all these other colleges pasted across their chest? School pride, people – get some.

My friend, Marysa, just pulled up a seat across from me; her eyes are warm and very friendly. She writes too and is pretty good. I’ve read some of her stuff in The Lumen and enjoy it. And now she just got up and left signaling that she is heading to the other side of the library. I’ll go talk to her in a little while. Nope, she just walked by again and appears to be leaving. Maybe I’ll talk to her tomorrow.

My old accounting buddy, Josh, just came and sat next to me and I smiled at him. Unsuspecting victim… How about this girl that just sat down to my left? She’s got this great plaid shirt on that gives her the look of both Loretta Lynn and hipster. Well played, miss. If her shirt was made in my size, I would buy it. But, only from a thrift store – that’s where all the cool plaid shirts live. And she just left. That’s ok though because a tour guide just walked in with a prospective student and his family. If he comes to school here I can write about him.

Well, that concludes my view of the library for the last 10 minutes. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. The song of the day is an easy pick for me because I have been listening to it on repeat for the last hour. I seem to have some sort of OCD when it comes to music. The same thing happened the first time I listened to Miley Cyrus’ “Party in The U.S.A.”

 My Morning Jacket – “Mahgeetah” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdSiIVwyhz4