final word b-side

When I was younger, I was pretty coordinated and taller than most of my peers. Ergo, I really enjoyed basketball and I played all the time. Looking back, that was the last time I enjoyed one task for an extended period of time. I’m too impatient to do long term dating; thus far, the whole concept bores me. I’ve had roughly 16 jobs, innumerable career ideas, and 15 cars. I haven’t had a clue what I wanted to do with my life until about one year ago.

After high school, there were a handful of people who knew what they were going to do; they went off to college, graduated, and are doing well. Otherwise, there are the rest of us who didn’t know what we’re good at? I liked sports, Brett Favre, music, being awkward with girls, Coca Cola, Pizza Hut, playing video games, and hanging out with my friends. What could I have done with that skill set? I could’ve started writing a novel about being lazy and jobless? I would’ve called it, My Life is Awful.

Over the span of 26 years, I only wrote when I was asked to. Most of the time, I was told to write papers that I had no interest writing. “Hey, Eric – read The Bell Jar and write 5 pages correlating it to that fascinating Charlotte Perkins Gilman piece about depression and the wall paper.” Are you telling me that I’m actually paying you to let me do this? When can I start?! Thanks! I did not enjoy writing until January of 2010. 

It was the day before Christmas break and I was in the admissions office chatting with Caryn, one of VU’s finest, when the Vice President of Marketing, Pat Kerrigan, walked in. I’m not shy, so I said, “Good morning, Pat.” To which he responded, “Oh, yeah, you’re…” “Eric,” I said. Pat looked at the floor briefly, looked up, his eyes widened, and he said, “Oh, the internship guy at the Mathy” (we’d met prior to this chance encounter). My friend was correct. That was me – Eric the Mathy guy. Then, he asked me if I was adept with Facebook, Twitter, and Blogging. I emphatically answered yes to all of these; before I left had a meeting set up in January with the VP of Marketing and Communications at my university.

Truth be told, I had no idea what I was about to be doing. All I wanted to do was get Caryn coffee and a donut. I knew about Twitter and had an account; and I was pretty familiar with Facebook. Those 2 weren’t a big deal, but the blogging? Does that mean you’re going to let me voice my musings for other people to read? Anyone who knows me may have thought Pat spent too much time out in the cold that morning.

Why would I write? Who cares what’s on my mind? In myriad ways, I’m just like many other students that go to VU. This is me: I hate math, didn’t necessarily rock the ACT; I get average grades, and I often dress like I’m homeless. I’m incredibly poor right now and spend too much time in the library. I am not unique. Then it dawned on me… maybe I am unique. My thoughts are unique; they are one of few things I have that are actually unique. Maybe I can make this interesting… So, I started writing the blog.

The reason Pat asked me to write the “Final Word” is because he thought it would be a fun question. Why do I write? Well, I write because Pat asked me to. I write because my friend, Amanda, has always encouraged me to. I write because it’s a great outlet for the Jay-Z lyrics that I frequently and oddly connect to my daily life. I write because I want to share my view of this rock with others. I write because I would like to make money communicating my words and ideas via advertising.

I wasn’t the best basketball player I knew as a kid; far from it. But, when you’re taller than the other kids and the coach tells you to play, you ball. Last December, when I was getting coffee for Caryn and Pat asked me to write for the school it wasn’t because I’m the best writer on campus; not even close. It’s because I have a big mouth, talk with everyone I see, and I get lucky sometimes.

my decay, 1984, and love songs

Television at night is wildly uninspiring. Maybe it’s the networks way of laughing at people that watch TV after 11 P.M. This, of course, would be wildly hypocritical of the television stations, but may also provide TV people with something to talk with their friends about. You know that they want you to watch their shows to boost ratings so that advertisers want to pay for ad time, but they still laugh haughtily at the late night TV people for watching such poor programming. And, I do too. Go to bed, man. Sip on some sleepy time bear tea and take a snooze. I don’t want to do that right now; I want to write about my decay and bad television.

After wandering aimlessly through a hundred channels I have decided that I should watch the movie adaptation of the George Orwell classic, 1984. It must have done by the British because the movie is incredibly reminiscent of a Pink Floyd music video – a very long video off of the album,” Atom Heart Mother.” Anyway, it’s very strange and I don’t really like it. However, I haven’t had any luck reading the book, so it might be the only way I ever figure out what happens to poor Winston. In the movie, he’s spending an awful lot of time with a fairly cute girl, so he’s not doing too badly. Nonetheless, Big Brother is the worst and they will probably separate the two for conspiring to do something like dream about horses or pack a picnic basket full of ham sandwiches. I would rather live in a shoeless world where streets were paved with broken glass and hot glue than have an entity watch my moves and monitor my thoughts. I feel that the whole Big Brother scenario would be akin to playing football for the Dallas Cowboys.

I believe I have tried to read 1984 three times now and haven’t made it past the first 30 pages. This is kind of embarrassing, but I guess I found better things to do or had a load of laundry in that needed to be tossed into the dryer. As seemingly insignificant as this task might seem it is enough to distract me for a period of time. Laundry leads me into the kitchen and the kitchen contains cheese and crackers. The cheese and crackers make me thirsty and so I drink some milk. Next, I realize that I should get some pellets for the pellet stove and an hour later I have no interest in reading 1984. In reality, it’s amazing that I ever get anything done.

My New Years Eve was about as depressing as the life of Winston, the sad pale protagonist in 1984. I don’t know what it is, but I had no desire to go out with my friends. So, I decided to watch Schindler’s List. Surprisingly, the movie isn’t all that uplifting. Actually, I knew it wasn’t going to be, but I watched it anyway. Those Nazis were the worst. Thank God for guys like Liam Neeson. The last time New Years Eve was exciting I think I was 13. I played Tecmo Bowl on Super Nintendo with Charlie Jelen; most of the night he made fun of me for dating this girl named April. She would dump me a few weeks later to date a hockey player named Zach. The whole April and Zach story is depressing, but New Years Eve 1995 was fun.

ANYWAY, the point of all of this is that I have watched a lot of bad television lately and I don’t know who to blame. I tried to watch Die Hard the other night, but only got a few minutes into that before having to leave to go to a movie – the movie I went to see was less than stellar. My own failure to amuse myself is the product of only one person and that person is me. In order to avoid total self destruction before classes start up again, I vow to read more books and maybe even write a love song or two. Maybe I should pick up some shifts. Maybe I should find a job to pick up shifts for. Actually, I think I’ll volunteer somewhere. Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do. Today was good and I look forward to tomorrow…

 My favorite band right now is Beach House and this is one of my favorite songs –